premium membership

A premium membership will enable some extended functionality or complete new funtions in some pages:

function free/registered premium
your travel history ✓ (last 10) ✓ (complete)
accounts from visitors with properties (with city filter) X
nft details (get a list of all mints and some data like owner, last transaction) X
beta access to features before released to public X
sends to own props (detailed city stats) X
structure ornaments
get a list of yours
"season" visible X
"is applied" visible X
"season" visible in shop listings X
totems / protem
list of all totems
details for a single totem (stats, feeding table)
protem details for a single totem (spend, yield) X
totem dashboard X
combined list of all your active totems (amalgamated schedule) X
your protem history

premium starting at 0.23 $ or 400 UPX a day:

duration price in upx price in dollar price in MUT
30 days 12,000 UPX 7 $ 300 MUT
90 days 36,000 UPX
34,920 UPX
$ 21
$ 20
900 MUT
873 MUT
180 days 72,000 UPX
67,680 UPX
$ 42
$ 39
1,800 MUT
1,692 MUT
360 days 144,000 UPX
126,720 UPX
$ 84
$ 73
3,600 MUT
3,168 MUT


I listed "ice cream waffle display sculptures" in my showrooms.
You will be able to buy them for UPX or USD.
Los Angeles16000 Sherman Way, Los Angeleslink to proplink to shop
New Orleans1104 S DUPRE ST, New Orleanslink to proplink to shop
San Francisco600 7TH ST, San Franciscolink to proplink to shop
Tokyo2-CHOME-16-2 KONAN, MINATO CITY, Tokyolink to proplink to shop
Washington1331 L ST NW, Washingtonlink to proplink to shop

for the dollar vouchers please go to and buy it there.
you must enter your upland username of your connected account in the buy process.

for the upx vouchers please send me the upx ingame. you are paying the fees.
(you need to enter 12,632 UPX in the send dialog to get 12,000 UPX to me.)

for a payment in MUT, please use the functions in the MMVM discord ("/company send", ...)

You can stake your sparklet to gain premium days. details here.

thoughts from me

When launched in june 2023 i wanted to create a toolset to improve my own journey in upland.
All the tools, sheets and informations from different free sources are so great so i decided to add some usefull stuff too. ;-)
After months of development (mostly at night) i made the decision to put some premium functions in a premium membership.
Most premium function are based on free tools or free data available (e.g. blockchain-transaction),i just developed something to display/enrich this data.
This was not because i want to generate as much money as possible, it is just a small compensation of my invested time (and real money for example for server costs).