racetrack records

Here you can take a look at the five fastest racetimes for classes and for the different tracks.
You can use the filters to only get the information you need.
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Please pay attention:
Only open races which are shown in the ingame lobby are automatically tracked!
Only races after the 5th of march 2024 8 PM UTC are imported.
There is a gap mid June, where the crawlers did not get the race data.
If you have a private race or an older one, you can add the lobbyId of the race in the form below.
This will add this id to the request queue for gathering the data from upland.
Unfortunately you can only get this id from you browser address area.
Example: "https://cars.play.upland.me/?lobbyId=f46f2186-b5ae-4ddb-b4af-b12a0140cb2d&driverId=..."
I only need the red part of the address.
If you have a private race which is not started yet, you can type in the private code here:

(36 characters, only numbers, only lowercase characters, only "-" as special chars OR 8 character private code)